This is a sweet, strange little story. It’s a more sympathetic view of the witch in Rapunzel, not surprising given she’s the main character, but she’s also definitely a witch.
This is a hard story to review as it is short. I don’t want to spoil it, and the complexities of character motivations aren’t fully explained. And they are complex. This is a story of a woman who has brought darkness on herself, and of the child she sought to bring back sunshine to her life. And the child does.
Annie Twitchell has a style to her writing that is unique. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it’s some combination of the first person point of view and the way she writes dialogue. It’s a style I think I would recognise if I was asked to guess the author.
Molly Storm is certainly a different look at Rapunzel than any other I’ve read. It has a happier ending that some.
Molly Storm
Book Description:
A witch, a pirate, a lighthouse, and… seaweed? Molly Storm is a short story inspired by the tale of Rapunzel.
“You and I, lass, we’re both sides of the same coin. We’re both the heart of the ocean, but you’re more the kindness and goodness. I’m the storms that crush ships. Don’t cross me, Molly. I’ll crush all the sweetness out of you.”
Author Bio:

Annie Louise Twitchell is a homeschool graduate who is obsessed with dragons and fairy tales. She enjoys reading, writing, poetry, and many forms of art. When she’s not writing, she can often be found reading out loud to her cat, rabbit, and houseplants, or wandering barefoot in the area around her Western Maine home.
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