When going away for half of July, it may be a good idea to avoid multi-book blog tours in the beginning of August. I didn’t. I also fell into a slight reading slump that I had to push through in order to review books. I still enjoyed the books despite this, but I think my reading is going to be decreased for a while yet.
Today I bring you a book that I have not read yet. Hair We Go Again by Kendra E. Ardnek, Bookania Quests 5.

I’m looking forward to it as I know it will follow a story line which has been teased since the first book of the series.
I’m looking forward to it as I know it will follow a story line which has been teased since the first book of the series. The blurb tells me of tense relationships mixed with humour, and I feel that it’s going to be on the deeper side of the Bookania series. Which I don’t consider a bad thing. I like meaningful books.
About the book:
Still reeling from recent trauma, Robin and Eric struggle to find stability in the midst of increasing tension both at home and with others. When friends ask their help to rediscover their castle, lost during their hundred-year sleep Robin and Eric agree to help. But this castle holds secrets of its own – including what may be the fate of Eric’s long-lost brother – launching them on another quest. Meanwhile, Maryanne’s busy on a much more important mission of her own: find a jackalope. Yet no one’s ideas seem to coincide with hers, and family disagreements muddy everything. Can healing ever be found when people refuse to communicate?
What I am bringing you is an interview Charlotte Iverson did with Princess Robin.
You’ve not seen Charlotte around here for a while. She got a little lost some time back and has only just returned.
“What Brie isn’t saying is that she’d sent me to do an interview with a fascinating travelling circus, then quit writing that story without pulling me out. Having the world dissolve under me was less than comfortable. I was falling for quite a long time through nothingness, before I woke up in an outlaw camp in her other Rapunzel story. I was able to have a very informative chat with Aydel Rosern about her situation before being informed that it’s all confidential and not for the public to see. And then I landed in what I am told is yet another Rapunzel story. I would call Rapunzel a contagious disease if not for the good stories that are coming out through it.”

Charlotte’s voice fades away before an image blurs in. Charlotte, in vaguely medieval clothing and her signature scarf, lands in what looks to be a castle garden. Another young woman, this one with a sword, rushed over as Charlotte sits up.
“Hello? Excuse me, could you tell me where exactly I am? And who you are if you don’t mind? I feel as if I should recognise you?”
“You’re in Winthrop, person who just fell from the sky. Is this the new thing? Falling from the sky? Please tell me that it isn’t the new thing. Are you hurt?
“My name is Robin, by the by. Princess of Locksley. Best swordsman in the world. My husband is Prince Eric of Winthrop. Which is where we are. As I already said. Why did you fall from the sky?”
“No, I’m not hurt. Just slightly disoriented. Winthrop, did you say? And Princess Robin. I probably should have known by your sword. I do believe I’m supposed to be interviewing you. Charlotte Iverson, special interest reporter, very pleased to meet you.”
“Ah, yes. Interview. One of those things. Fun. What do you want to know?”
Charlotte gets to her feet and leans against a tree. Interview transcript commences.
Charlotte Iverson: Firstly, what you’re doing these days?
I heard that you rescued your husband and Robin Hood, and now I suppose you must be back home looking after Princess Maryanne. Is anything interesting happening in Winthrop right now?
Princess Robin: Thankfully, nothing interesting. Or maybe not so thankfully. I really don’t know. Eric’s not been recovering well from his time in the dungeon, and his father’s become even more demanding than before – which I hadn’t thought possible. A distraction would be good for him. He needs to get away – we should have stayed longer at Locksley than we did.
C I: Demanding relatives, I feel for you. Maryanne must be something of a distraction, but I suppose it would get tiring. Do you have any plans for dealing with that problem? Either tackling it directly, or by finding some new distraction?
R: I’m … running out of ideas, honestly. Maryanne’s been his saving grace, I will admit.
C I: Have you thought of travelling again? I do believe you were planning a sea voyage once.

R: Oh, there’s a thousand places we could go, and Maryanne’s now old enough for travel … but Eric has duties as acting crown prince and … well, unless Lukas reappears…
C I: And you couldn’t go looking for him? It is a bit of an awkward predicament. You can’t really leave unless he’s found, and you personally can’t find him without leaving.
R: Yes, quite the predicament. I doubt Eric would go for it, anyway. He says that the trail is long cold when it comes to his brother.
C I: No clues then? Is Eric resigned to how things are or is the idea of looking and not- Sorry, that’s probably too private to ask about.
R: Not so much no clues as it is a dead end. I don’t know the details, but if he says he searched his hardest and had to give it up … well, Eric’s nothing if not thorough.
C I: So there’s nothing to be done. Enough of that depressing line of conversation. Let me just check to see if I have any notes. Yes, a question from one of our readers.
How many different swords do you use?
R: Any sword I want, but I usually just stick to my own, Auroren.
C I: You don’t have any negative association despite Auroren being why your aunt Madeline could spy on you your whole life?
R: It’s not the sword’s fault. And it’s my sword.
C I: That seems reasonable. Now moving onto other topics. One relevant to mothers or teenagers who babysit. Maryanne is still pretty young, and young children can be quite troublesome at times. how do you calm her down when she’s restless?
R: I give her to Eric.
C I: And then Eric has something to keep him occupied. You’re really solving two problems at once and that’s awesome.
R: But, oh my word, Eric adores his daughter, and I just love seeing them together.”
C I: Now, onto semi random questions. My boss, Brie, and some of her characters are trying to solve an argument. Is stew an amazing comfort food, or ‘the worst thing ever’, often not deserving to be called food, and a hazard to eat?
R: Perhaps I should cook the dissenters some stew.

C I: Brie says it’s because they have only ever had bad mystery meat stew with far too little ingredients for the amount of water. Perhaps they’d like yours.
If you could only eat on food for the rest of your life, what would you pick?
R: Stew sounds good. Can’t go wrong with stew. I mean, it’s a different meal nearly every day. Simple and hearty, and amazing.
C I: You’ve well and truly convinced me to that side of the argument. Aydel will likely stubbornly hold to her position, but her opinion doesn’t really matter.
Do you have any final words to share before I leave? Or any question you wish people would ask you, but they never do?
Robin looks over her shoulder.
” I would … but I think Maryanne ran away again. Was nap mentioned? I need to go find her, anyway.
“It was lovely to have spoken with you then, your highness. I’m sure our readers will enjoy it.”
Robin hurries away. Charlotte jots down a few extra notes.
The scene fades from view. Charlotte begs for another assignment. I have to deny her, because delegating interviews to fictional personalities does not rid me of the responsibility of conducting them.
Author Bio:

Kendra E. Ardnek loves fairytales and twisting them in new and exciting ways. She’s been or acting them on her dozen plus cousins and siblings for years. “Finish your story, Kendra,” is frequently heard at family gatherings. Her sole life goal has always been to grow up and be an author of fantasy and children’s tales that glorify God and His Word.
Find her online at: Website || Blog || Goodreads || Facebook || Twitter || YouTube || Newsletter || Instagram || Amazon
What are the Golden Braids?
The Golden Braids are five retellings of Rapunzel by five different authors, each unique in tone, setting, and moral. This collection has something in it for every reader.
Nice interview! As far as the stew issue goes: stew’s a whole lot better than a lot of soups! At least with stews, there’s more substance. But any food in that family can go wrong really easily.
These characters of mine don’t seem to distinguish between the two at all.